Evans Psychotherapy


Beckenham and Online

t: 0208 650 0177

 e: info@evanspsychotherapy.co.uk

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What to expect

Assessment & Consultation

A psychotherapy consultation usually takes about an hour and a half and provides a setting in which the individual can think with the therapist about their life, while also considering treatment options.

Frequency of treatment

People are seen in individual treatment for a minimum of once weekly.

Sessions are usually at the same time each week and would be agreed with you in advance of commencing treatment.

Regular attendance is important and advised.

You will usually be informed of breaks well in advance so you might be able to co-ordinate your holiday times to coincide and avoid missing sessions.

Treatment intensity varies between three times weekly psychotherapy and five times weekly analysis.

Agreement about suitability and intensity of treatment would be discussed and agreed at the initial consultation.