Evans Psychotherapy


Beckenham and Online

t: 0208 650 0177

 e: info@evanspsychotherapy.co.uk

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Teaching and Publications


Making Room for Madness in Mental Health: the psychoanalytic understanding of psychotic communications. 2016, Karnac.

Book Chapters

Marcus Evans: "I'm beyond caring": A response to the Francis report. Evans, M. reprinted in Social Defences Against Anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm, Ed by Armstrong, D. & Rustin, M. Chapter 8, pp 124-143.. London: Karnac, 2014.. Social Defences Against Anxiety: Explorations in a paradigm, Edited by D. Armstrong, M. Rustin, 01/2014: chapter 8: pages 124-143; Karnac., ISBN: 978-1-78220-168-7

Marcus Evans: Problems in the management of borderline patients on an in in-patient settings, republished in Personality Disorder: The definitive reader. Edited by Adshead, G. & Jacob, C. London, Jessica Kingsley (2009). Personality Disorder : The definitive reader, Edited by Adshead, G. & Jacob, 01/2009: chapter 13: pages 195-210; Jessica Kingsley., ISBN: 978-1-84310-640-1

Unpublished Chapters but Due next year.

Marcus Evans: Supervision and consultation: tuning into psychotic communications in frontline mental health settings. In Turning the Tide, The work of the Fitzjohns unit, Tavistock Book series, London: Karnac, 2018.

Marcus Evans: Thoughts without a Thinker, In The Unhoused Mind, Tavistock Book series, London: Karnac, 2018.

Journal Publications

Marcus Evans: 'I'm beyond caring', a response to the Francis Report: The failure of social systems in health care to adequately support nurses and nursing in the clinical care of their patients. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 06/2014; Vol. 28(No 2):193-210. DOI:10.1080/02668734.2014.914076

Marcus Evans: Psychoanalytic supervision for Mental Health professionals.

Marcus Evans: Pinned against the ropes: Understanding anti-social personality-disordered patients through use of the counter-transference. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 06/2011; 25(2-2):143-156. DOI:10.1080/02668734.2011.576493

Marcus Evans: The role of psychoanalytic assessment in the management and care of a psychotic patient. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 03/2011; 25(1):28-37. DOI:10.1080/02668734.2011.542911

Marcus Evans: Tackling the theory practice gap in mental health nurse training. 10/2009; 13(2):21 24. DOI:10.7748/mhp2009.

Marcus Evans: Tuning into the psychotic wavelength: Psychoanalytic supervision for mental health professionals. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 12/2008; 22(4):248-261. DOI:10.1080/02668730802510959

Marcus Evans: Can anybody hear me? Reacting to pressures from psychotic states of mind. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 06/2008; 22(2):88-99. DOI:10.1080/02668730802102674

Marcus Evans: Being driven mad: Towards understanding borderline and other disturbed states of mind through the use of the counter-transference. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 09/2007; 21(3):216-232. DOI:10.1080/02668730701535578

Marcus Evans: Making room for madness mental health: The importance of analytically-informed supervision of nurses and other mental health professionals. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 03/2006; 20(1):16-29. DOI:10.1080/02668730500529780

Marcus Evans: Problems in the management of borderline patients in in-patient settings. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 01/1998; 12(1):17-28. DOI:10.1080/02668739800700031

M Evans, V Franks: Psychodynamics as an aid to clear thinking about patients. Nursing times 03/1997; 93(10):50-2.

Marcus Evans: Interpretive Group Psychotherapy and Dependent Day Hospital Patients: A Preliminary Investigation. N. Temple, M. Patrick, M. Evans, F. Holloway & C. Squires. International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1997) Vol. 43 No. 2 116-128.

Nicholas Temple, Jill Walker, Marcus Evans: Group psychotherapy with psychosomatic and somatising patients in a general hospital. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 01/1996; 10(3):251-268. DOI:10.1080/02668739600700231

M Evans: Suicide: a target for health (continuing education credit). Nursing standard: official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing 05/1995; 7(18 Suppl NU):9-16.

Marcus Evans: Parasuicide response A parasuicide team offers a constructive approach to a destructive problem . Marcus Evans, Cath Cox and Gill Turnball outline the benefits of following up patients in crisis. Nursing times 05/1992; 88(88):34-36.

M Evans: Using a psychoanalytic model to approach acts of self-harm. Nursing times 11/1991; 90(42):38-40.

Conference Papers

2018 International Society for the Psychological treatment of Psychosis. Conference in Hamar Norway Psychoanalytic Consultation on a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit.

2017 Psychoanalytic Understanding of Borderline states of Mind. Krakow.

2017 Medical Psychotherapy Seminar: Psychodynamic Psychiatry: Psychosis, Suicide, Trauma and Violence-Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Psychoanalytic Understanding of Psychotic States of Mind.

2017 Lets talk about Suicide Barnet Enfield & Haringey Mental Health Trust conference looking at the effect of Suicide on staff.

2016 conference in Krakow Understanding Psychotic states of Mind.

2016 International Society for the Psychological treatment of Psychosis. Exeter Therapeutic Relationships.

2015, Consultancy Seminar for Nurses in the Krakow personality disorder unit, Poland.

2015, Being Driven Mad, Symposium of the Essex and Hertfordshire Psychotherapy and Counseling group.

2014, ‘I’m Beyond Caring’: Scientific meeting of the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

2013, ‘I’m Beyond Caring’: A response to the Francis Report: The failure of social systems in health care to adequately support nurses and nursing in the care of their patients. Oxford Colloquium

2011, Tuning into the psychotic wavelength psychoanalytic supervision for mental health professionals. Institute of Psychoanalysis.

2008, Borderline states of mind in the consulting room.

2008, Can Any Hear Me? Tuning into Psychotic States of Mind. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

2007, Who's Afraid of Whom'? Thinking in the Face of Risk and Danger and Chaos. Broadmoor hospital.

2007, From In-Patient to Outpatient: Continuity or fragmentation: Outpatient therapy with a psychotic patient. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

2007, Risk Assessment or Risky Practice: The Knowledge, Skills and Capabilities Nurses Need in Mental Health. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

2007, The Customer is always Right, Understanding Borderline Patient. Nurses Forum: Camden & Islington, Mental Health Trust.

2007, The Customer is always Right, Understanding Borderline Patients. Hertfordshire Mental Health Trust

2007, Making Room for Madness in Mental Health. Birmingham Mental Health Trust

2006, Understanding Borderline Patients. West London Mental Health Trust.

2006, Who's Listening'? Taking practitioners' feelings seriously. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

2005, Understanding Borderline Patients. Westminster Mental Health Trust

2004, Psychodynamic supervision as an assistance to clear thinking. Newcastle Mental Health Trust.

2004, Using Counter transference to Assist in the Assessment of Risk. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

2003, Balancing Acts with Unbalanced States of Mind: Thinking about the realities of mental health care. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

2002, Evans, M., Application of Psychoanalytic Ideas on Mental Health Practice. Reading University.

2001, Understanding psychotic states of mind. Royal College of psychiatry teaching day.

2001, Can Anybody Hear me? Tuning in to Psychotic Patients. Camden & Islington, Mental Health Nurses Forum

1999, Psychodynamic supervision as an assistance to clear thinking. South London and Maudsley.

1999, Facing the Crisis: A conference for nurse mangers. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

1995, Defensive States of Mind in Psychiatric Nursing. Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

1995, Thinking in Nursing and Psychotherapy, A Bridge Too Far, Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists in the NHS. Institute of Psychiatry.

1994, Projective Process in Deliberate Self Harm Developments in Mental Health Nursing. Institute of Psychiatry.


1995 – 1999, Organising tutor, An introduction to the Theory and Practice of Group work. South London and Maudsley NHS Trust      

1999 – 2005, Organising tutor, Dynamics of Mental Health Practice 

1999 to present, Senior Clinical Lecturer/Tutor      

2000 – 2016, Seminar Leader, MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

2000- present, Teach and supervise on the Adult psychotherapy training

Organising tutor, An introduction to the Theory and Practice of Group work, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust

1995 – 1999, Organising tutor MSc in Psychodynamic Practice. Middlesex University